Saturday, January 20, 2007

A White Flower

Although I m still young, lately I've been thinking, I wish I was a white flower, and didn't exist as a human being, however, after deep thinking, I always say thanks to the one & only creator, ALLAH, who have created me, for a purpose, in this life...

Thoughts that make me feel don't want to exist, is the work routine, family issues, personal chaos, cruelty of life, and most importantly SINS!!!*

Thoughts that make me feel want to exist, wanting to be an entrepeneur, creating a family, personal lifestyle, and most importantly good DEEDS!!!**

*As for the Sins part, I always remember the ayah that says:
يا ليتني كنت ترابا
**As for the good Deeds part, I always remember the afterlife and what accompanies it:
فيها ما لا عين رأت ولا أذن سمعت ولا خطر على قلب بشر

All the above has nothing to do with my goals, ambition, message, and purpose in life; they are just thoughts...


Anonymous said...

great blog and mashAllah aliky Mo what great Musilm u are its really hard to find ppl like u now a days ..keep up the good wprk by being a good Msulim and god bless you!

some1 from Mahjoob

The Mo said...


اللهم اغفر لي ما لا يعلمون و اجعلني خيراً مما يظنّون

Thanks a lot :)

Respect :hat: "anonymous" ;)

Anonymous said...

sins are reversable if you do est3'far frequently.. Allah loves us when we do est3'far..

Allah is The Most Merciful..


The Mo said...

loza: Very true...

Thank you

Life said...


I am really speechless.. I still can't believe you are 22 years old MAN!!!

I mean.. No offence for men.. But young ones do not think in depth as u are doing..

God bless you..


The Mo said...

life: Thanks a lot for your words, made me feel embaressed :o


Thanks once again :)