Tuesday, January 30, 2007


First of all, don't ask me why many of my posts are related to food, lol :D

I got an email this morning from my friend in USA with the following image

He took this picture in Venice Beach in LA

Lol, I think my love for ketchup, but there are limits to that, would really make this slogan apply to me :D

Ketchup is an important food component in the kitchen of our house and is considered the most demanding item in any restaurant that I visit. Ketchup packs don't satisfy me, bottles only do satisfy my needs, to an extent that in some restaurants, the ketchup bottles are emptied by the end of the meal :p (Therefore, causing more loss, than profits to that particular restaurant) :rgs:

However, I don't tolerate ketchup with certain kinds of food (i.e. Eggs, rice, & other)
But, I do like ketchup the most with many of the junk food (i.e. Burgers, french fries & others)

So do you love ketchup? :sofera:


Basil K. said...

I do witness this quite often with Mo since I have dinner with him alot. I must say the Heinz Co. must LOVE him...

Keep it up Mo and Sa7tein

The Mo said...

3ala albak :rgs:

Thanks basil =)

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

mmmm ketchup (homer simpson type - 5alas 7feztooh il expression :D)
i love ketchup with almost everything! bas il compatible stuff, mish rice w yogurt w tabbouleh! lol some ppl are wack.. bas i love it with scrambled eggs num num!

and i tell u why most of ur posts are related to food :p 1) hammak ba6nak as most men 2) ur fasting most prolly fa 3am tetwa7am :D

The Mo said...

lool Homer *drooling* :D

Ya sa7 msh ma3 kol shee, wila betseer khabsa :mal5oom:

Eggs for me is a No No :S

Thank you 3ala # 1 :o :ag:
# 2 is correct :sad: (So hungry today)

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

meen sem3ak.. my stomach's growling so loud, prolly next door sam3een! but i know its thurst, coz stomachs growl when the body needs water too.. and i havent had much last nite.. my bad :|

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

oh and seyam maqbool 7amoud :)

The Mo said...

proudpali: Thanks, u 2 :)

Lol too bad :D
I only had 2 burgers from Johnny yesterday :rgs: @ iftar time...nothing later, thats why probably I m hungry and shokran 3al ma3loomeh el qayemeh "doctor" :D

Anonymous said...

welcome welcome ketchup lovers :rgs:

actually I drink ketchup :p j/k

try my ta5beesa (omlette + Tuna + Ketchup) :p

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

la ba3jebak bil medical background :D

The Mo said...

mahjoobian: shoo haظ

Thats 5ab9a 3a osoolha...
I can't imagine that!
Tuna (something I dont like a lot)
with Eggs (something I eat few times a year)
with ketchup :S
Sounds scary :p

bs sa7tein =p

proudpali: yes mbayen hon oo hnak :sofera:

Anonymous said...

i was about to ask why are most of your posts are about food? but when read ur first sentnce battalet :D

tub why btw? :shy:

The Mo said...

loza: sadfet haik :embaressed:

Actually, one of my dreams was to become a "chef" or a restaurant owner, still hopefully a dream to come true in future...However, till now none has been achieved, I studied MIS, and worked in Marketing :mal5oom:

From the end, I like food, cuisines, & cooking :rgs:

lol :D

Anonymous said...

Well you can write about food all you want as I do not mind reading :D

You are like me; ketchup packs never satisfy me, and I eat ketchup with junk food, and I never tolerate having it with eggs. It is simply unacceptable lol.

Moey said...

too bad I'm kinda allergic to it.

The Mo said...

hala: (:yai:) so there are ketchup addicts like me :rgs: Welcome to the club :p [More food posts to come :D ]

moey: wow first time to hear someone allergic to "ketchup" :mal5oom: (Welcome here) :)

Life said...

besm ellah.. wen ra7 my comment :S

I swear i had a comment there !!!

The Mo said...


This is the first comment from you in this post :sad: mb3rf wain ra7!? yemken sharat el blog :S

U had a post in the Oreo's, yemken mlakhbe6ah :p la2noh kol postaty 3an el akel lol :D

Anyways, sho kan el comment !?

Thanks for passing by :yai:

Life said...

shekli mosh mla5betah.. shekli (sharatet) o 5alas I am losing my mind..

haha this is so funny.. i was so sure that i wrote something about u wanting to be chef.. and how i think its really nice.. i came back looking for that in the post didnt find it.. so i thought.. 5alas ea bent.. enjanneti.. haha..
La2eto bel comments.. :D any way ma3lesh.. ra7 aro7 ashrab coffee.. balki sa7sa7et.. O el post sheklo Blogger ma beddoeah.. fa hay wa7ad '3ero ;) have a nice day

The Mo said...

loool... :D

Ya it's nice :rgs: my dad still wants me to go study cooking somewhere abroad :p

Enjoy your coffee... :)

As you said shekloh el blogger shwai mkharef these days :S

Thanks & have a gr8 weekend :yai: