Monday, February 12, 2007

Which flower are you?

Flowers are different and come from different sources.

(Flower 1)
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A shy flower that hides behind the shadow.

(Flower 2)
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A flower that has the guts to face anything in this life by itself.

(Flower 3)
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A flower that can only survive with the surrounding of its loved ones.

(Flower 4)
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A flower that is very social amongst a bunch of many other similar flowers.

(Flower 5)
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A flower that is double faced.

(Flower 6)
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A flower that is proud of itself and not embaressed of its roots.

(Flower 7)
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A flower that is standing still & challenging all life obstacles.

(Flower 8)
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A flower that can survive within different cultures & ethnic backgrounds.

P.S. This doesn't mean that those are the only types of flowers :p


Anonymous said...

Combination of flower3 & flower6..

yet, would like to be like flower7.

Nice post

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

love the post! nice idea mo. am mostly 7 and 8.

saba7ak sukkar :)

The Mo said...


Nice combo :D
Hope one day you will become flower7 :rgs:



Saba7 el khair :)

Cool combination too :rgs:

8 is very much needed here in Dubai :D

Anonymous said...

this post made my day actually!

mo, your words made the pictures talk! really very nice photos-words combination..

I am mostly flower 3.. I believe i am :o

and sometimes flower 1 :shy:

thanx for the sweet post

Creation said...

It's funny .. i think, i'm Flower 1,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 .. Okay, i think, i suffer from multiple personality disorder :/

Anonymous said...

:mnosh taq6efo azharan mn jame3 elashkal wlalwan:


Reem said...

Luffed the flowers :l:

I don't know actually :confused:

Everybody can be all those flowers depending on Life's turns :D

i really liked the idea:)

The Mo said...


Glad it did :rgs:


Flower 3 ya3ni a family-oriented person :)

Try to avoid being flower 1 :)

thank you :yai:

Good luck in managing all those personalities :p

Enjoy the colors of life :p


Thank you :p
Glad you liked it too :rgs:

Could be what you said too :D

SimSim said...

A flower that has the guts to face anything in this life by itself.

i guess :P

Jood said...

as what mystique said :-o:

Anonymous said...

6b 2nta 27ki ana which flower :shy:

R those pics taken by u ? :???: If they r, most probably Im gonna ask u to come as a photographer in my wedding (free of charge 6ab3an) :D

shtagnalak golna neeji nshoofak hon :D


The Mo said...


Cool :rgs: Good luck in overcoming the unexpected :p

Okay lol thanks :P


Zahgan in my blog :eeek:
ya hala ya hala sharaftna wallah :rgs:

Yes by me :yai:
Your wedding? Hmmm to2mor oo for free kaman, bas meen sa3eedet el 7az :-emb:

teshtaglak el 3afyeh :shy: nshoofak :ag:

Life said...

Very very creative..

Man you are doing a great Job..
The Photos... And the title... And the description...

ea3ni BRAVO!! kter 7abet el Post.. :)

I am not sure... I don’t think there is someone who one kind purely... I am sure I am a combination that can mix... Challenge... And survive... That needs love to grow...

A mixture... That’s what I am…

Anonymous said...

u r creative! i love ur pic's.

The Mo said...

Thanks :-emb:

Merci, happy to hear that :yai:

Great mixtures always make a good outcome :p


Thank you a lot :)
I m so glad & happy to know that =)




Anonymous said...

I'm a daisy :-D

The Mo said...

A Daisy flower is nice :p

Thanks for passing by shaden :)