Saturday, February 17, 2007

5 Obstacles طقة

I was tagged by Fϊdєlϊtaŝ to "Name Five Obstacles That You've Faced When You First Started Blogging "

Put a video along with text in the same post
(Still not working with me)

Write in arabic (right alignment) without having some text missing
(Problem still exists)

Didn't understand what "tagging" means :D
(I understood this)

Look & feel of the blog including interactivity
(Still researching)

What is an RSS feed
(Still didn't understand how could it be of use for my blog)

Tagtegoo anfeskom ya 3alam


SimSim said...

i still face problem with 2 and 3 :P

Шαғα said...

ah the first one jannatni , can yetla3le inno you can't do blah blah yadda yadda O_o b3deen i posted a video sha2a am aba :D
thanks for answering :give:

Life said...

Maaaaan... Wallah you made me happy with the last point..Looks like there are other people who doesnt know what RSS feed means..

I managed to solve most my problems with video and stuff by searching the net :)

But this RSS thing is still a mistery to me :S

The Mo said...


#2 mb3rf keef a7elha !! :mob:
#3 tagging is to classify your post under what category it lies, so that when people search for that specific word, they get results tailored to the word they put & also when you click on a tag in a specific blog, you get all related posts :???:



ah tab keef!? :s
It allows me to post video la7aloh without ma aktob text ma3a...:(



hehe yaa RSS ya3ni fahemha o mesh fahemha, mesh fahem who benefits from it bl zab6 :P

Basil K. said...

Since I know everything in this world, Let me help u..

1. Go to this site and they will help u... Its mostly HTML.

2. I dont know (weird i know)

3. Also called Labeling

4. This we both need to research :)

5. Really Simple Syndication AKA RSS is used for feed readers... Meaning I can put ur blog in the feeder of my Outlook and everytime u post something on ur blog I get it on my Outlook. Also there is Google Reader and Firefox Live book marks.. All are readers.

After reviewing my comment I realized I didnt really say anything important but I shall post it anyway since I wrote all this and dont want it to go to waste :)

Have a nice day

The Mo said...


1. this? I couldn't find a link in this


3. I know this already :P

4. Yes please do & let me know when you know :)

5. Still ambiguous for me :S

Thank you ;)

You too :rgs:

Life said...

Kter momtaaaz...

hehehe.. 7abet el points of basil looool

Ma3 ene ma fhemt.. bas .. johodak mashokra man :D

/\/\e/\/\e said...

about the video
for example youtube just copy and paste the Embed in the new post and that it :D

The Mo said...


Basil dayman haik 3adii :P
Basil j/k ;)



I've tried that!!
It only works if I post the video without anything else.
But if I write a single word, then the video won't work! :S
Thanks anyways for the help

Anonymous said...

خير اللهم اجعله خير
يعني رح ناكلها مرتبه بكرا
ادعولي انجح بالامتحان
يم يم يم يمي
والله حابه اخد الرخصه هلا
وكن جميلا وابتسم للكون تلقاه جميلا
وكلن عندن سيارات وجدي عندو حمااار
بيركبنا خلفو بياخدنا مشوار
والبوليس يصفرلو والسيارات تزمرلو
والله الحمار والحصان احسن مش متخيله منظري اروح على الجامعخ راكبه حمار
يسلمو يا مان على الموضوع الحلو بس كنت حابه اعرف كيف كان الاسئله