Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Help! Anwser...

You know when you seek help

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You tend to look into so many directions

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Through so many angles

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From very different point of views

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And various means

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Although the solution might be blurry

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And the answer a bit ambiguous

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It is the human mind that complicates things to an extent that makes it a puzzle unsolved

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Whereas the answer might be noticeable, simple and clear during a cup of tea

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Life Is A Scrabble

If you

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You can make it as

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As you want by taking the right

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Through choosing the correct

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Which will affect your

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To be either

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Your strategy and

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Hope it is clear :)

For those who ate "baraze2" in my last post, I forgot to give you a toothpick to clean up the samasem

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(Highly recommended "The Noodle House")

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


While I was surfing one of the forums during a weekday, I saw a subject entitled "Focus on your car" which asks members to post pictures of their cars, therefore, not thinking of any consequences this could get me into, I thought of sharing a picture of my car, which for your information is not a fancy car at all.

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(The Picture I posted with a dirty look of my car)

On the weekend, we planned to go to the desert for fun, Dune Bashing (4x4 cars). I don't know the source of the problem, but my car got damaged, I had to put it in the garage for a period of 1 month and paid a bill of almost 11,000 DHS equivalent to $3,000.

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(While Dune Bashing)

Now the subject of my post is that I felt this has happened to me as a matter of envy probably, since I related "posting the picture in a public forum" with "an accident just few days later". I might be right or wrong, however, I have a strong feeling that it was an "evil eye".

Anyways, I remembered something; people think that using an "eye object" such as below & many of its similarities could prevent harm from an envy that is made by an evil eye of a person.

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But it is a big No No. This is considered some sort of disbelieving that everything is in the hands of God and believing in an object that could do nothing for you.

Therefore, one of the best solutions to protect ourselves is reading qura'an and the relevant "thikr" that was taught to us by our Prophet PBUH.

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I totally submitted to ALLAH with regards to the matter as it is something that he wants to happen for a reason and it is good that it happened to something tangible and not personal. Moreover, I promised my dad to never take my car to the desert anymore. Furthermore, there are other reasons that I have learnt that I would like to keep for myself.

Nevertheless, tonight my dad told me that the insurance company agreed to refund 45% of the amount, I was so happy. And as a matter of gratitude, please feel free to have some of these so-called "baraze2" I have no idea why their called like that!

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Monday, February 19, 2007

Types of Secrets

When you are a told a secret

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You either keep it disclosed for a specific period of time

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You either reveal part of it from the beginning

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You either keep it disclosed for good

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You either reveal it all from the beginning

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You either reveal it all but on intervals

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Why can't the human mind keep a secret between those who are concerned?

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Those humans who keep a secret between those who are concerned only are those whom I think have really clean "green" hearts

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However, what is a secret?

Can you keep a secret?

P.S. I know the pictures are ugly this time :)

Latest Tag

لقد تم طقطقتي من قبل سمسم
وهذه الطقة الثالثة في مسيرة حياتي البلوجية و ارجو ان لا تكون الثابتة
و هذه أجوبتي

بعد ما تموت , شو رح يصير لايميلك؟

I will put a clause in my will to delete all my online accounts...

اعطيت الباسوورد لحدا من قبل؟

Nop never...

طبيعة علاقتك بهدول الاشخاص؟

Not applicable


عمرك ؟

22 only :p


I don't believe in horoscopes.

مجال دراستك؟

Regretfully MIS: Management Information System
Minor in Computer Science

نوع شخصيتك؟

Type of personality...
I don't like talking about myself.
I'll leave it up to my friends who know me well to comment on that.

السفر بالنسبة الك؟
I love travelling, although didn't travel a lot yet, still at the begining of my journey.


Very moody due to the mood swings I encounter from time to time which could be influenced by the silliest thing ever!

شو بتعمل بوقت فراغك؟

Online or Sleep

الاكلة المفضلة؟

Mom's mansaf & msakhan & wara2 dawali

الصفات الي اخدتها من ابوك؟

Being shy, a bit of anger, and most importantly the trait of a nice & simple person.

الصفات الي اخدتها من امك؟

Emotional, friendly, and most importatnly the trait of stengthening my relation with ALLAH.

6 اشياء ما بتحبها؟

I don't like being controlled.
I don't like coffee.
I don't like studying.
I don't like bad weather.
I don't like rude people
I don't like bye bye's.

6 اشياء بتحبها ؟

I like food.
I like sleeping.
I like adventures.
I like nature.
I like shopping.
I like babies.

الشغل بالنسبة الك؟

A long term plan and career to pursue success in future.

الكمبيوتر والانترنت شو بالنسبة الك؟

Addicted to the internet.
I m scared that I would be seeing a psychaitrist soon.

شكرا سمسم على الطقة
طقطقو أنفسكم يا ناس

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Why in Pictures

Questions to keep us wondering "Why"
Pictures taken after a desert camp during the weekend.

Why do we feel more sentimental at night?
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Why aren't we detail oriented people?
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Why do we at many times pay much attention to details?
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Why is it everytime we lose hope, we wait for "another" day to come?
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Why is it hard for people to stand still with their opinions?
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Why do we protect ourselves in life from fire while we don't from the thereafter?
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Why do we get stung from the same hole twice?
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Why do I love food?
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5 Obstacles طقة

I was tagged by Fϊdєlϊtaŝ to "Name Five Obstacles That You've Faced When You First Started Blogging "

Put a video along with text in the same post
(Still not working with me)

Write in arabic (right alignment) without having some text missing
(Problem still exists)

Didn't understand what "tagging" means :D
(I understood this)

Look & feel of the blog including interactivity
(Still researching)

What is an RSS feed
(Still didn't understand how could it be of use for my blog)

Tagtegoo anfeskom ya 3alam

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Jordanian Driving License

لا يوجد صور لليوم للأسف و النهفة في القصة الى الاخر لذلك يجب ان تقرأوها كاملة

اريد التحدث عن تجربتي في الاردن عندما قررت في سنة من السنوات باخراج رخصة سواقة من الاردن لكي اتمكن من ان اسوق سيارة مع نمرة اردنية ,علما انه كان لدي رخصة سواقة من الامارات و بامكاني سواقة سيارة سياحية او نمرة دبي

فرتبوا لي الاقارب ان أقدم للرخصة في مركز المرور على طريق السلط أظنه فرع البلقاء

فذهبت و قدمت فالواسطة لم تنجح بأن احصل على الرخصة دون ان اعمل الامتحان النظري و السواقة
و لكن لم يكن علي ان اخذ دروس سواقة لانه انا بصدد استخراج رخصة على رخصة اماراتية و ليس سائق جديد
لذلك اضطررت لعمل الامتحان النظري اولا الذي كان بالعربية و كما ترون من كتابتي هنا فلغتي العربية ركيكة جدا و ذلك يرجع لاسباب تعود الى دراستي في المدرسة و الجامعة التي اعتمدت على اللغة الانجليزية

المهم سقطت الامتحان ثلاث مرات باللغة العربية
يعني شو عرفني بالمصطلحات الغريبة العجيبة ما بتزكر الكلمات و لكن شيء يضحك الصراحة لانه لم أكن متعود على اللغة الفصحة انذاك

و في نفس المرة الثالثة قلت للمسوؤل ارجوك هل لديك باللغة الانجليزية
فقال لي يا رجل لماذا لم تقل لي من قبل و اعطاني بنفس اللحظة بان اعيد الامتحان النظري بالانجليزية و الحمدلله نجحت

فرتبت موعد امتحان السواقة
باختصار سقطت في الامتحان بكل معنى الكلمة يعني لا حزام لا اشارات لا مراية لا نظر على الكتف و تغيير خاطىء للجير و فشلت في تصعيد السيارة على طلعة و الباركينج غلط في غلط يعني زيرو
باي ذا واي السيارة من سنة جدي و من زمان مش مستعمل سيارة جير عادي

المهم نزلت من السيارة و كان جالس رجل بالخلف و امرأة في الامام (من الشرطة) و قلت لهم سابقا اني فقط هنا كزائر و لدي رخصة اماراتية و من ثم قالو لي من اين انت قلت لهم من طبريا فلسطين فقال الرجل للمرأة مع ضحكة هذا من قرايبكم انا هون انبسطت مع اني لا احب العنصرية ففكرو قليلا و قالوا يلا خذ هذه الورقة و روح خذ الرخصة
طبعا يمكن طرت من الفرحة اكثر من لما اخذت الرخصة في الامارات للمرة الاولى

المهم انا كنت ذاهب للسلط بسيارة والدتي التي يمكنني قيادتها لانها نمرة دبي اذ كنا نبعث بسيارة واحد في الصيف لتساعدنا على التنقل و انا راجع على البيت و فرحان و اريد ان اخبر اهلي عن القصة و اذ وصلت طريق الجامعة الاردنية اذ بشخص يقطع الشارع من مكان غير مخصص للمشاة و السيارات تمشي ففوجىء صاحب السيارة الاولى التي مر من امامها الشب فدعس على الفرامل فجأة ثم الذي وراه ثم الذي وراه ثم انا لم الحق فلبست فيهم مثل ما يقولون ضربت ثلاث سيارات ضربة واحدة

طبعا ما كان موقف احسد عليه و تخالفت و كلفتني السيارة مبلغ محترم و الحمدلله على كل حال و المصيبة انه احدى السيارات اراد ان يستغلني و اراد ان يذهب الى المستشفى لكي يفحص ان امور عائلته بخير لكي لا يكون عليه اي تكاليف مالية و لكن الشرطي رأى انه لا يترتب ذلك

فضيحة و سامحوني على الاطالة و على العربية الركيكة جدا
و شكرا

A Watch

I always used to get watches as gifts since ever I was a kid till graduation.

I am planning to by a watch for myself this time, although I barely wear watches, since the time in the mobile is more than sufficient.

Nevertheless, I liked the below sporty watch and planning to get it; if I still can find it in the shops, as it is getting sold out so quickly!

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Emporio Armani

Need all your opinions
Is it nice?

By the way, I wear watches on the right hand. Is anyone out there like me?

Whoever casts a vote will have the below blueberry cheesecake as a gift

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Thank you