Monday, February 19, 2007

Types of Secrets

When you are a told a secret

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You either keep it disclosed for a specific period of time

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You either reveal part of it from the beginning

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You either keep it disclosed for good

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You either reveal it all from the beginning

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You either reveal it all but on intervals

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Why can't the human mind keep a secret between those who are concerned?

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Those humans who keep a secret between those who are concerned only are those whom I think have really clean "green" hearts

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However, what is a secret?

Can you keep a secret?

P.S. I know the pictures are ugly this time :)


Anonymous said...

kteer 7elo :)

yes I can.. but you must inform me that it is a secret, otherwise i will say :D

you know? keeping a secret needs hard efforts..

Reem said...

tough one Mo..

Ana lsani mafloot menni.. i do keep secrets but u need to make a very very strong point for me to keep it that way.. or else byense7eb menni kalam bel habal wo ana wala daryaneh 3ala 7ali :P

i don't do it out of le2em or hidden agendas, i do it out of excessive emotions. i could be very into the subject wo met7amseh wo faja i'd be like "ahhh, x told me the same thing inno...." or i can be very mad at someone wo min jemlit il 7adeeth momkin teflat minni kam kilmeh..

fada7et 7ali sa7? :la6em:

I luved the Pics, 1st one specifically :)

Great post as usual :D

Anonymous said...

LOL ... very creative :)

BeeCrazy said...

Wow, what a beautiful use of illustrations to make the point! MashaAllah!

I can keep all kinds of secrets, but I usually let the person know if I absolutely have to break the trust--sometimes its for their own good that the secret not be a secret anymore. Having seen the effects of broken trusts perhaps makes it easier to hold it all in.

The Mo said...


Thank you :)

LOOOL lazem ya3ni ykoon fee "Warning" :p

Well it is hard, but if you think of it from a point of view, what if you told someone a secret, would you like that person to reveal yours!?
No of course :)



Oui je sais !

LOL but you got to try control yourself :???:

Well here a secret could be revealed for different reasons...
If the intention is bad then the whole thing is not good.
While if the intention wasn't ment to be bad, but was revealed for a reason or another, then it is still not good, but better than the first case.

lol 3adi el sara7a ra7a

Thanks a lot :hat:



Shokran brother :)


Digital nomad:

Glad you liked it =)

Could be valid, if the secret is kept will cause problems, while if it is revealed it will solve issues, then probably revealing it could be a good idea...However, you have to weigh things when it comes to trust.

Thanks for your input & thanks for passing by too :)

Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures demonstration :D

Well yes I can keep a secret.. but not a loved one though :D

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

first pic looks like a raw amethyst stone..

and secrets.. i cant deny that i love hearing them, but as said: «اذا خرج السر عن اثنين شاع»
و الاثنين هدول هم الشفتين..

trust is a big issue to be honest.. even if we fight with ppl and stop talking, that doesnt give us the right to speak of their secrets.. let bygones be bygones i reckon.

w saba7o :)

Flower^Angel said...

Mystique loooooool @ lsani mafloot menni ..

I second that :*oh: she is :mob: rember when i told u dont tell that person & that person came and told me about what i told u :ag:

bas u got a sweet heart :hug:

for me it depends on the secret :???:

fee private things , i wont tell , non private i might tell my hubby about ..

but when say please dont tell , then i wont & after a while i fogot the secret :*oh:

Anonymous said...

ana secret keeper number one blman6eqa!

bte3jebne 6are2et elklam m3 elsewar, creative :)

The Mo said...


Thank you :)

Great :rgs: bas keef ya3ni not a loved one :???:



I think it is :???:

Nice mathal...(thumbsup)

Many of us do like hearing secrets, I wonder the secret behind that :D

Sa7, fights shouldn't break the circle of trust...

masa2 el khair :s

Thank you :)



It depends on the secret :sofera:
But I guess all secrets are private :???:
LoooL betseer it is okay :D



wa kharej el man6eqa la2 :sofera: ? :p

Thanks a lot, glad you like it :D

Life said...

I love the pics.. That's first..

And I second who said creative... Because your way is creative

Amma bel nesbah to the secret part …

Hmmmmm ana mosh met2akdeh eno I can do it unless I know telling might hurt someone..

If it doesn’t.. usually As they said.. bensa7eb lsani

The Mo said...

Thank you :P

Thank you kaman oo kaman :D
(I just hope my "creativity" remains the same all the way) =)

Well you got to try harder to keep a secret whether it hurts or not. :)

Good luck

Shokran :-)