Tuesday, January 30, 2007


First of all, don't ask me why many of my posts are related to food, lol :D

I got an email this morning from my friend in USA with the following image

He took this picture in Venice Beach in LA

Lol, I think my love for ketchup, but there are limits to that, would really make this slogan apply to me :D

Ketchup is an important food component in the kitchen of our house and is considered the most demanding item in any restaurant that I visit. Ketchup packs don't satisfy me, bottles only do satisfy my needs, to an extent that in some restaurants, the ketchup bottles are emptied by the end of the meal :p (Therefore, causing more loss, than profits to that particular restaurant) :rgs:

However, I don't tolerate ketchup with certain kinds of food (i.e. Eggs, rice, & other)
But, I do like ketchup the most with many of the junk food (i.e. Burgers, french fries & others)

So do you love ketchup? :sofera:

Monday, January 29, 2007


Today I decided to fast due to the great ajr that we get in this blessed day, and due to some pressure in work, I totally forgot that I m fasting Therefore, I noticed that we got Oreo cookies in the office, so decided to take one as I was chewing the first oreo, before swallowing anything, I remembered , Oops, Mo you are fasting today!!! I removed everything from my mouth instantly and went to the bathroom to clean everything left Then, I had to fetch for a fatwa whether my fasting is correct so that I can know to continue it or not, because it is a, نافلة, therefore, if you are in any situation as this, the fatwa says, yes we can continue.

On the other hand, as I was searching for a picture for Oreo, I found this :3ayoo6: It looks "so good"

Anyone got the recipe for this Oreo cake? :(

Sunday, January 28, 2007

همسات الى المظلومين و صرخات الى الظالمين

السلام عليكم
لطالما اردت التحدث عن موضوع الظلم و اليوم لم يعد بوسعي الا ان أتكلم عنه لما في هذه الحياة من ظالمين و لكني لن أتكلم كثيرا انما سأدرج من الكتاب و السنة ما هو كافي لردع الظالمين و لنصرة المظلومين

فهذه بعض الهمسات لتريح قلوب المظلومين
و صرخات لتزجر عقول الظالمين
ارجو ان تصل الرسالة الى كل ظالم في هذه الارض

اولا يجب ان نعلم ان الظلم مقسم الى ثلاثة اقسام
ظلم العبد لربه
ظلم الانسان لنفسه
ظلم الانسان لغيره من عباد الله و مخلوقاته و هذا الظلم الذي سوف أتحدث عنه

فعندما كنت أبحث عن كلمة الظالمين في القران الكريم
وجدت ان
اللَّهَ لا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الظَّالِمِينَ

مذكورة عدة مرات في مواضع مختلفة
فأيقنت ان
اللَّهُ لا يُحِبُّ الظَّالِمِينَ
التي أيضا مذكورة عدة مرات

ففي الحديث القدسي
يقول الله
يا عبادي إني حرمت الظلم على نفسي وجعلته بينكم محرماً، فلا تظالموا
و قال رسول الله
أتقوا الظلم فإن الظلم ظلمات يوم القيامة

فأعلم أيها الظالم
قال رسول الله
اتق دعوة المظلوم ، فإنها ليس بينها وبين الله حجاب
و اعلم ايها المظلوم
قال رسول الله
اتقوا دعوة المظلوم فإنها تحمل على الغمام ، يقول الله : وعزتي وجلالي لأنصرنك ولو بعد حين

فاعلم ايها الظالم
قال رسول الله
لتؤدن الحقوق إلى أهلها يوم القيامة حتى يقاد للشاة الجلحاء من الشاة القرناء
و اعلم ايها المظلوم
قال رسول الله
من كانت عنده مظلمة لأخيه؛ من عرضه أو من شيء، فليتحلله من اليوم قبل أن لا يكون دينار ولا درهم، إن كان له عمل صالح أخذ منه بقدر مظلمته، وإن لم يكن له حسنات أخذ من سيئات صاحبه فحمل عليه

و صرخة أخيرة في أذنك أيها الظالم
قال رسول الله
إن الله عز وجل يقبل توبة العبد ما لم يغرغر

و اختم بهذه الابيات
لاتظلمن إذا ما كنت مقتدراً *** فالظلم آخره يأتيك بالندم
نامت عيونك والمظلوم منتبه *** يدعو عليك وعين الله لم تنم

اللهم اني أعوذ بك من ان أظلم او اظلم


والله اعلم

Saturday, January 27, 2007

SMS Riddle!

I got an SMS from someone :sofera:
It is a riddle, it really made me :mal5oom:
The SMS is as follows:
ما هو الشيء الذي
بالليل يرتاد القبور
بالنهار يدخل القصور
يخافه الرجال
تحبه النساء
تهابه الملوك
تلعب به الاطفال
له شعر و وبر
طعامه الملح و التمر
يبدأ بحرف الميم
ورد ذكره بالقران
Yalla ya sho6ar farjoona sha6are6kom :ag:
I lost "hope" in finding an answer :)

Friday, January 26, 2007

About Paragliding


First of all if the below post (The video) was not working, please click
here to watch it. (Some of you might have watched it previously)

The video is taken in Oman, few months back.
The video is funny at the begining, so don't laugh or make fun of me, but the wind was so strong at that altitude
I love such activities/adventures, and looking forward to jump using a parachute from an airplane, also want to do bungee jumping.

So, do you have the guts? I guess some do ;)

Have a great weekend

P.S. I tried a lot to post the video and write some text, but the video wouldn't work with that, I don't know why, so I would be grateful, if someone could lead me on how to post a video & write some text in the same post. Therefore, I was only able to put the video in a seperate post so that it works and write here some comments only.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Signs During The Day

- Sign # 1 -
Well the day started with a "poop", sorry for the garaf, of a cat on the doorsteps of our house, (this is happening at least once a month, I really don't understand, why ONLY in front of our house, is it a sign, or the cat just loves us)!!!

Note: Can someone please explain this to me?

- Sign # 2 -
As usual, late to work, The Mo faces traffic (which I hate the most about Dubai) using horns, flashes, and some shouts :D [I try to control myself as much as possible, but when it comes to Asians, no comments!!!] Then the mission to find a parking slot in Dubai Media City!!!

Note: I know I know, wake up earlier, but I cant, it has been a year & a half like this!!! Any ideas how to wake up on time & not click the snooze button? :D

- Sign # 3 -
Requests, inquiries, orders, etc...Work work work...*yawning*
**Interuption, as a normal daily scene in dubai, an accident right under our office between two cars, each of which was a lady driver, as it showed, each called their back up of guys to "support" them in whatever, however, notice the amount of people gathered**

Note: Drive Safely...I speed a lot :3ayoo6: any suggestions!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

- Sign # 4 -
Then, as planned previously with my friends, to go Karting, so I decided to park my car somewhere on the way, and go with one of my friends to Dubai Autodrome, since it is far, and I m not in the mood of driving, well guess what, I was driving a salon car***, I parked over the sand and it got stuck!!! Took some time to dig it out with the help of my friend, no need for details (fdee7a), then reached the Karting track safely.

Note: Park Wisely!!!

- Sign # 5 -
The thrill during the race was amazing, however, the results were bad :( didn't get a good position in the race :p (My best lap time was 1min 21secs (11th place out of 23) lol

Note: Mo, you are not a good driver in karting, but not that bad...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

- Sign # 6 -
After that, went to have my best caeser salad ever again & again @ More cafe, lol, I'm starting to think that I m not only addicted to this place, but also might be considered a sickness =p

Note: Please see a doctor :o

***Salon car: I will talk about the story of my 4x4 car in a later post

C'est tout! Voila, am @ home blogging, yawning, & going to sleep soon =)

Wa domtom :hat:

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Pictures & Thoughts

Here are some thoughts that came after a journey of pictures at Madinat Jumeira.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

An idea can be stuck somewhere in the corner, yet it exists, but we don't know how to get it out.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Therefore, we have to organize the chain of thoughts all together in order to create a strong single thought.

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Then make it grow just like a plant on a wall.

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Having in mind, that we should think from different perspectives, sometimes.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Let your soul sail as far as you can in order to think of all scenarios possible.

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Don't only use your modern thoughts, but also try to gain experience from whats old.

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A mixture of new and old would give a nice structured point of view.

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As a result, after sailing, you will reach a strong single well organized thought.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The thought which I have reached is that you could take small footsteps or big footsteps, however, in either case, you will reach your destination, therefore, never ever fall back, set your message and goal life and strive to achieve them within the bounadries of your beliefs in order to reach the satisfaction of your creator.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Hope my words are as clear as the pictures, yet ambiguity in words could make you understand less to think more.

Thanks :)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Mood: In the kitchen

Ok here is a little bit of entertainment, away from serious posts =)

Tonight I thought instead of ordering junk food for dinner as most of the times , how about Mo enters the kitchen, since it has been a while, although I m not a fan of eggs (I eat eggs probably 3 times a year only), though, I was in the mood of doing an omlette.

Enjoy the show :p

Here are 7 eggs, all for me, j/k :p also for my parents

Then added a tomato

Added two kinds of cheese white & yellow

Added a piece of hotdog + salt & pepper

Scrambelled them all together (I usually pour some milk in it, but didn't have this time)

Put some butter in the pan
The scrambelled egg in the pan getting cooked all together
The final product, lol, sa7tein :)
Okay this was a simple demonstration of some of my cooking skills, if you want to cal them so, more dishes to come soon, I just have to be in the mood and on a weekend :D

5 Things That People Might NOT Know About Me

I have been tagged by Loza

When I usually plan on something (i.e. Buy a car, Travel somewhere, etc...), I don't go brag about it at all, only to those who are involved or may play a role in the thing that I m looking forward to do (i.e. Parents), because we were taught by our beloved prophet PBUH that:
استعینوا علی قضاء حوائجکم بالکتمان

I didn't cry when my brother Yazan passed away at the age of 12, I was almost 6 years old (16 years ago), as I wasn't aware of the meaning of life & death, yet, when many relatives passed away (i.e. My grandma) etc…, I never cried as well, however, the death of my uncle almost 6 Months ago made me cry like a baby, a scene that no one would have imagined that "The Mo" would be in, I liked him a lot, الله يرحمه
I m a person that hardly show emotions to anyone, but doesn't mean I'm not emotional, it is just hard to express it out loud, but they do exist in the inside, however, I m sure that I will show those to my prolonged future partner in life. Kids are exceptions; I adore kids, specially my nieces (Shahd & Noor).

بعد اخذ بالاسباب في جميع امور الحياة فأنا شخص متوكل على ربي تماما
وَمَنْ يَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ فَهُوَ حَسْبُهُ

وَمَا تَوْفِيقِي إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَإِلَيْه أُنِيبُ ِ

After dawn prayer, I like to eat something sweet (i.e. Chocolate) and then drink very cold water after it.

Lets say I want to take action X, and I m totally satisfied with this action, however, action X, will make a group of people to start talking about it (either negatively or positively), therefore, taking action Y, which I m not convinced with, will not make the group of people talk, I will go for action X, because, if my action is in compliance with my religious beliefs, ethics, & morals, then I really don't care about people's talk.


P.S. I talk a lot, its good that they are only 5 things that we have to list :D


After I bought the new Canon 400D, photography became one of my newest hobbies :p

I enjoy the most food photography, macro shots, portrait of people, and landscape.

Here is my Flickr account

However, Flickr recently got blocked in UAE one more time :(

But I can access it from the office/work ;)

Colorful Life

تفائلو بالخير تجــــــــــــدوه

What do you think?
Sometimes, I feel that everything is blocked in my way and dark, yet there is always this candle that gives me hope that despite the darkness there are some colors in life.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Customer Service

Today we were faced by the two extremes of customer service...

Lately, I got myself addicted to More Cafe, since their food is so tasty, however their service is crap, due to shortage in staff!!! Although, they claim that they are working on improving it, as it is the only dine in restaurant that has 1000 guests on a daily basis in Dubai!!!

However, on the other hand, we wanted to pray maghreb, so the nearest place was Murooj Rotana Hotel, therefore, we stepped into the Hotel, as I thought all Rotana hotels, had a prayer room, as I have tried one of their other Hotels previously, yet, at this one, there was no prayer room, thus, they provided us with a key to one of the hotel rooms, for us to pray, we were surprised by such hospitality.

My friends always make fun of me, because I take customer service seriously, but when you are used to a level of customer service in Dubai in most places, then you set your expectations high, and therefore can't accept anything lower than that in any other place.

A White Flower

Although I m still young, lately I've been thinking, I wish I was a white flower, and didn't exist as a human being, however, after deep thinking, I always say thanks to the one & only creator, ALLAH, who have created me, for a purpose, in this life...

Thoughts that make me feel don't want to exist, is the work routine, family issues, personal chaos, cruelty of life, and most importantly SINS!!!*

Thoughts that make me feel want to exist, wanting to be an entrepeneur, creating a family, personal lifestyle, and most importantly good DEEDS!!!**

*As for the Sins part, I always remember the ayah that says:
يا ليتني كنت ترابا
**As for the good Deeds part, I always remember the afterlife and what accompanies it:
فيها ما لا عين رأت ولا أذن سمعت ولا خطر على قلب بشر

All the above has nothing to do with my goals, ambition, message, and purpose in life; they are just thoughts...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم
This is my first post in my blog
I hope I enjoy my journey in the bloging world (blogosphere)